Dates for the diary in 2024 - get ready for the Q-est year ever!

Get your diaries out now! For 2024, we've crafted an empowering and diverse lineup of activities designed to inspire and connect.

May 17, 2024
Dates for the diary in 2024 - get ready for the Q-est year ever!

For 2024, we've crafted an empowering and diverse lineup of activities designed to inspire, connect, and elevate our community of innovative thinkers and business leaders. From insightful workshops led by industry trailblazers to vibrant networking events in creative spaces, each event is tailored to foster collaboration, growth, and a deep sense of community. We're thrilled to offer a platform where your unique ideas can flourish, supported by a network of peers who share your passion for entrepreneurship and inclusivity.

June 13th, 2024 (Thu): Series Q Social: Pride Party 2024 at Techspace Shoreditch (RSVP Now)

Sep 2024 (tbc): Series Q Fall Event

Sep 12th, 2024 (Thu): Series Q Dinner

December (date TBC): Series Q Social: Holiday Party 2024.

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